W3C Compliant Webpages

OpenGlobal IT believes in open standards. It's what the Worldwide Web was founded on in 1990. Unfortunately, the companies who have been making web browsers like Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator decided to start adding their own proprietary features to web technologies and that's where a lot of the problems started. Different web browsers started doing things differently and some websites worked better on some browsers and others worked better on other browsers.

Fortunately, a group got together call the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) to try to solve this problem. They  set about creating a set of open standards for how the web should be written. If you create a website using these standards, you have written in "correctly". Yes, it's as black and white as that. Most web browsers will still try to display incorrectly written websites as well as they possibly can, but there are bound to be problems.

OpenGlobal IT choose to write websites correctly. And all the major search engines agree with us. Websites written using the W3C standards get higher rankings in search engine results because they are seen as higher quality websites. Some websites are written so badly that search engines struggle to understand what they are about altogether so they really struggle to get any decent web rankings.

You can use the W3C validator to check if your existing website is written correctly. Just put your website address into the box and click the "Check" button. If your website passes, that's great, you have nothing to worry about. But if you get any errors, somebody somewhere should probably be fired. There is no excuse for not writing your website correctly.