Search Engine Optimisation

If you want your potential customers to be able to find you as easily as you just found us, you've come to the right place.

With over 13 years experience of search engine optimisation (before it even had a name), OpenGlobal have the experience that you need in order to get good results from your website.

Real search engine optimisation is an ongoing process so we work with you over the long term to get good search engine rankings, and to keep them.

You managed to find us, what more proof do you need of our abilities? Contact us now on 0845 269 962 4.

Warning: Don't be conned by companies who GUARANTEE to put your website on the first page of Google within a short period of time, say, 48 hours.

These companies are not offering search engine optimisation, they are just advertising your website on Google. Real search engine optimisation takes much longer to take effect, and more importantly, it doesn't instantly stop when you stop paying for it.

If you really want this service, then we can guarantee to have you on the first page of Google within 48 minutes. There really isn't anything to guarantee, you just pay the money and that's it, you're being advertised.

Real search engine optimisation produces much more effective results and lasts much longer. It can also be considerably cheaper. Advertising on Google should only be done as part of a complete managed website promotion strategy. Not some half hearted attempt at getting onto Google's first page.

We have been advertising and search engine optimising for years, so we know the pros and cons of each, and more importantly, we know that being on the first page of Google isn't everything if it's bringing the wrong sort of visitor for your business.

To find out about the differences between real search engine optimisation and Google advertising (and the benefits and disadvantages of each of them) contact us on 0845 269 962 4 or use our Contact Us page.