Why we're different

A lot of companies like to explain about what they do that's "different". Some even go as far as explaining "how" they do things that makes them different.

But I thought I'd take it a bit further and explain WHY we're different. What drives us, and what's our passion?

Back Story

As a company, OpenGlobal arrived quite late to the Web Design industry.

To be completely frank, I didn't want to be personally associated with the cowboys and the amateurs who make up 99% of the industry, churning out pretty, but largely useless, websites for other companies.

I was creating and managing my own web-based businesses, learning what really works, and what doesn't. And I was quite happy earning a comfortable living doing that, without helping other companies to run their websites too.

Having seen first hand how effectively the web could be used to not just market a business, but to encapsulate a business entirely, I was naturally very enthusiastic in helping friends and family to improve the websites that they had commissioned from web design companies.

This made me angry.


How could they run a web design company that created websites that were visually very appealing, but technically useless?

How could they think that web design was JUST about the design?

How could they think that companies wanted a website just so that there would be some pretty designs associated with them somewhere on the internet?

How could they not realise that companies want websites that work, much more than they want websites that are just pretty?

And even more importantly, why would they think that after they've created a website, that's the end of the project?

A website is never "finished"! Launching a new website is only the start.


Eventually, the frustration got too much. I had to do something about it.

So I created OpenGlobal to use what I'd learned from first hand experience. To help companies to avoid the mistakes that I made many years ago, but that I see most companies still doing to this day.

At OpenGlobal, we believe that the web isn't something that you've got to get involved with just because everyone else is doing it.

"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half."

John Wanamaker

If you do online marketing correctly, you'll know which half!

OpenGlobal E-commerce

We believe that all technology should have a purpose to make things better, not just make them "cooler", or make them different for its own sake.

We believe that your website should be an integral part of your company's marketing plan, and it should be effective!

We believe your website should be a dynamic and evolving reflection of your company, not a stagnating brochure waiting for inspiration.

In a world where most websites just sit there, doing nothing, and don't even pay for themselves, we believe that they should do more than just pay for themselves. Your website should be helping to make your business run smoother, generate more leads and more sales, and it should be using the technology available to achieve these goals in the most cost effective way possible.

We believe that the web should make you successful.

If you believe in this too, join us. We're looking for companies that want their website to do more than just tick a box. We're looking for companies that want their website to transform their business, the same way that the web has transformed all of our lives. Call us now on 0845 269 9624.