Website Articles

One of the main reasons that most web design companies are bad at marketing e-commerce websites, is that they don't understand the fundamental difference with the way you usually market an e-commerce site, compared to a normal brochure-style site.

There are lots of marketing channels that you can use to advertise a brochure-style website, but these are just nowhere near as cost-effective as the e-commerce-specific channels. This can make advertising an online shop, very expensive, and in a lot of cases, just not sustainable.

"Package inserts" are becoming quite a popular marketing tool over the past couple of years. It basically means adding extra things to the packages that you send out to your e-commerce customers to encourage repeat sales.

Usually, this is just leaflets for other products or a special offer. But last week, I encountered probably the best package insert policy that we've come across so far.

Back in April, we wrote about the upcoming Google algorithm changes regarding mobile optimisation, and we advised people not to be scared into spending money until we knew the full extent of the changes and the repercussions.

So, we've done some analysis of the Google Analytics data on the sites that we manage to see what the differences are since the changes.

Was it worth the hype?

We regular receive requests for quotes for a website with a very simple specification. Sometimes it's "a five page website", or it could be "an e-commerce website to sell X, Y and Z".

The intentions are honest enough, but unfortunately, the specifications just aren't detailed enough to give a fixed quote.

We are living in an age where selling online is nothing new. There are now hundreds, if not thousands of companies in every sector selling products. All competing with you.

It can be very tempting, especially if you are selling identical products to your competitors, to just try to undercut your competitors slightly.

But they're is a much better, and much more profitable way to do business.

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