Web Development
E-Commerce Websites
Affiliate Marketing
Google AdWords
Website Articles
This is quite a brief article to just point out something that a lot of people haven't realised about the Data Protection Act (DPA).
Hopefully we all know that the main principle behind the DPA is that you can't divulge someone's personal information or contact details to a third party without their consent.
WordPress is probably the best known content management system. It's very easy to use, there are lots of plugins for it and there are a lot of web designers who use it exclusively for all of their clients.
So is it the best system to use?
We're going to be slated by our competitors for this article. Why would a web design agency tell people they don't need a website?!
Well, there are really only 2 main reasons for having a website, and if you don't have thoses reasons (or one we haven't thought of) then there's no point wasting your time and money.
OpenGlobal E-commerce has experience with a wide range of content management systems (CMS), but Joomla tends to be our default one. So, out of all of the CMSes available, does this mean we think that it's the best one?
It's all too easy as a non-technical person to assume that becoming a success online is a box ticking exercise. You've got a website, tick; you've had it "SEO'd", tick; you've got a twitter account, tick; you've got a mobile optimised website, tick. The list goes on.
Too many web designers and other "web" companies have given this impression because that's how they do business. They're not interested in making you succesful, they're just interested in selling their chosen service.
This creates a problem for us, because that's not how we do business, and it sometimes means that we lose a prospect.
More Articles...
- How to take good product photos for your website, on a budget
- How to be totally spam-free, without a spam filter
- Some questions to test your web designer
- The basic legal requirements for your website
- Why we suggest that you break the law
- The dangers of the information age
- What NOT to tweet about
- Open Source software is insecure, right?
- Creating a good Google AdWords marketing strategy
- Affiliate marketing offer
- The 4 types of online advertising
- Getting on the web is not cheap
- How to advertise your products on shopping comparison and price comparison sites
- Improve your SEO and social media engagement with our blog writing service
- Should you run your own affiliate campaign or use an affiliate network?
- How to sell your products on cashback sites
- E-commerce destroys Jessops
- What's the cheapest realistic way to start selling online?
- New LinkedIn group for e-commerce in Gloucestershire
- Why we don't do "just hosting"
- Get your free advertising on Google Shopping while you still can
- VirtueMart Developers, Gloucestershire
- Gloucestershire Joomla Development
- Cookie Law Tool
- Free Seminar: E-Commerce Setup and Marketing
- PayPal is not a merchant account
- How to get better rankings in Google Base/Marketplace/Merchants/Shopping/Froogle
- OpenGlobal Article Image as Module
- If web designers designed cars
- Free Seminar: Web Marketing and SEO
- Privacy Warning: LinkedIn is giving your email address to people you do not know
- Free Seminar: Using Social Media and Marketing for business
- How to comply with the new cookie laws (EU Privacy and Communications Directive))
- Cookie Law Tool - Advanced Usage
- Microsoft silently updates Internet Explorer
- Save thousands by adding an e-commerce shop to your existing website
- New SEO training service
- 6 essential tips for writing the perfect newsletter
- Web design is like architecture, but web designers are not like architects
- Ciao, Bing's alternative to Google Base/Products