Web Development
E-Commerce Websites
Affiliate Marketing
Google AdWords
Website Articles
A while ago I wrote an article about What not to tweet. It was a business oriented article of things which lots of businesses are doing on social media which is either not helping their campaign, or is even having an adverse effect on their campaign. This article is kind of a follow on from that. I should probably have called it "How not to go to prison over your tweets".
There are lots of articles and blog entries telling you what you should be tweeting about in your social networking campaigns. But there are still countless companies running appalling campaigns tweeting the wrong sort of things and annoying their followers.
It doesn't need to be like that.
Thanks to lots of Google Adwords vouchers that have been sent out offering free advertising, and also thanks to lots of fly-by-night Adwords agencies, a lot of companies have dabbled with Google Adwords, usually with very little success.
Google Adwords can work. But it can also be a black hole that will happily eat up every penny you throw at it, without much to show for it.
Most companies go about it completely the wrong way and end up concluding that Google Adwords doesn't work, rather than that they didn't understand how to make it work.
OpenGlobal has always been a big advocate of open source software, mainly for the technical advantages that it brings, but the price (ie, usually free) is also a nice incentive. But I've recently heard of a web designer advising clients against open source because it is inherently insecure due to it's public nature.
This is something I hear occasionally and it is definitely something which should be addressed, because, at first, it seems obvious that open source software would be less secure than proprietary software.
So let's briefly explore the issues.
As you may know, OpenGlobal E-commerce is a big advocate of affiliate marketing to promote e-commerce web shops. But one of the big drawbacks of affiliate marketing is that the major affiliate networks have all started charging a monthly fee for access to their network on top of the affiliate commission override.
We are always on the look out for offers to reduce or remove this monthly fee and we've discovered that one of the affiliate networks is running an offer until the end of August 2013 reducing the setup costs AND the monthly fee. This means that we can offer an affiliate campaign setup starting from £700 (depending on your CMS), with monthly fees of just £95.
Whilst this hasn't removed the monthly fee entirely, it has made it considerably more attractive to web store owners who are serious about promoting their website using effective marketing techniques.
Contact us today on 0845 269 9624 to take up this offer, or to find out about the latest affiliate marketing fees.
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- How to sell your products on cashback sites
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- What's the cheapest realistic way to start selling online?
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- Why we don't do "just hosting"
- Get your free advertising on Google Shopping while you still can
- VirtueMart Developers, Gloucestershire
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- Cookie Law Tool
- Free Seminar: E-Commerce Setup and Marketing
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- How to get better rankings in Google Base/Marketplace/Merchants/Shopping/Froogle
- OpenGlobal Article Image as Module
- If web designers designed cars
- Free Seminar: Web Marketing and SEO
- Privacy Warning: LinkedIn is giving your email address to people you do not know
- Free Seminar: Using Social Media and Marketing for business
- How to comply with the new cookie laws (EU Privacy and Communications Directive))
- Cookie Law Tool - Advanced Usage
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- New SEO training service
- 6 essential tips for writing the perfect newsletter
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- Ciao, Bing's alternative to Google Base/Products
- Don't pay to advertise on the internet
- How to get your site listed on voucher code websites
- Don't use CC to send a newsletter
- Mobile websites
- Free Seminar: From Social NOTworking to Social NETworking
- Use Facebook Business Pages, not Business Profiles
- Publish your Google Base feed to TheFind
- The difference between SEO and Google AdWords
- Are the new laws regarding cookies anything to worry about?
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